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Study Group

Washington State College Bound Project

A study to evaluate the implementation and impact of Washington’s College Bound Scholarship program. The program provides early commitment funding to help low-‐income students enroll, attend, and succeed in higher education.

Students must sign a pledge in middle school to:

1) do well in middle and high school;
2) be a good citizen and not be convicted of a felony; and
3) apply for financial aid to college.

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Goldhaber, D., Long, M. C., Person, A. E., Rooklyn, J., & Gratz, T. (2019). Sign me up: The factors predicting students’ enrollment in an early-commitment scholarship program. AERA Open, 5(2), 2332858419857703.
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Goldhaber, D., Long, M. C., Gratz, T., & Rooklyn, J. (2020). Pledging to do “good”: An early commitment pledge program, college scholarships, and high school outcomes in Washington State. Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis, 42(1), 110-133.
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Long, M. C., Goldhaber, D., & Gratz, T. (2019). Washington's College Bound Scholarship Program and its Effect on College Entry, Persistence, and Completion. Education Finance and Policy, 1-52.
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