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CEDR's Director, Dan Goldhaber, has an extensive record of carrying out high-quality, policy-relevant studies focusing on issues of educational productivity and reform at the K-12 level, and the links between K-12 and higher education. Goldhaber is joined by several Affiliate Researchers John Krieg (Western Washington University), Lesley Lavery (Macalester College), and Mark Long (University of Washington), as well as a team of graduate research assistants (see CEDR Staff and Research Affiliate pages for details).


CEDR's research team has a long, demonstrated track record of conducting high-quality, policy-relevant education research on a variety of education topics which range from studying the broad array of human capital policies that influence the composition, distribution, and quality of teachers in the workforce, to assessing the implications of targeted school interventions and the various accountability policies under the federal No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB), to the implications of charter schools and vouchers.


Collectively the CEDR research team brings a wide range of disciplinary and analytic approaches to problems, including quantitative experimental and quasi-experimental methods as well as qualitative case study approaches. The diverse approaches allow CEDR to investigate issues from many different angles, digging deep into the reasons a particular educational intervention appears effective or ineffective in changing the lives of students.


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3610 Albion Pl N., Ste A, Seattle, WA 98103

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