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Study Group

Collective Bargaining Agreements

This study investigates the relationship between specific provisions in collective bargaining agreements (CBAs) and the quality and distribution of the teacher workforce.

Specifically, CEDR seeks to answer broad questions about the relationship between CBA provisions and: The quality of teachers newly hired into districts. The flow of teacher quality within districts. The attrition of teacher quality from districts. In order to investigate these questions, the study relies on a unique statewide dataset from Washington State, which includes linkable information about schools, teachers, and students.

This state data is augmented by collecting and coding all of the CBAs in Washington State to allow us to link CBA provisions to observed variation in the quality and distribution of teachers in the state. The link between teachers and students is essential because we plan to utilize value-added modeling techniques to isolate the impact of individual teachers on student achievement from other factors (such as family background or class size) that influence student achievement and obtain estimates of teacher effectiveness.

These estimates will then be used in secondary models that assess the relationship between CBA provisions and the effectiveness and distribution of teachers.

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Marianno, B.D., Kilbride, T., Theobald, R., Strunk, K.O., Cowen, J.M., & Goldhaber, D. (2018). Cut from the same cloth? Comparing urban district CBAs within states and across the U.S. Educational Policy, 32(2), 334-359.
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Strunk, K.O., Cowen, J.M., Goldhaber, D., Marianno, B.D., Kilbride, T., & Theobald, R. (2018). It’s in the contract: How the policies set in teachers’ unions collective bargaining agreements vary across states and districts. Educational Policy, 32(2), 280-312.
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Goldhaber, D., Lavery, L., and Theobald, R. (2016). Inconvenient truth? Do CBAs help explain the mobility of teachers within school districts? Journal of Policy Analysis and Management 35(4), 848-880.
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Goldhaber, D., Lavery, L., and Theobald, R. (2015). Uneven playing field? Assessing the teacher quality gap between advantaged and disadvantaged students. Educational Researcher, 44(5), 293-307.
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Goldhaber, D., Lavery, L., and Theobald, R. (2014). My end of the bargain: Are there cross-district effects in teacher contract provisions? Industrial and Labor Relations Review 67(4), 1274-1305.
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Goldhaber, D., Lavery, L., Theobald, R., D’Entremont, D., and Fang, Y. (2013). Teacher collective bargaining in Washington State: Assessing the internal validity of partial independence item response measures of contract restrictiveness. SAGE Open, April-June 2013, 1-16.
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Strunk, K., Goldhaber, D., Cowen, J., Marianno, B., Kilbride, T., & Theobald, R. (2018). Collective bargaining and state-level reforms: Assessing changes to the restrictiveness of Collective Bargaining Agreements across three states. CALDER Working Paper No. 210-1218-1.
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Goldhaber, D., Lavery, L., and Theobald, R. (2014). Closing the teacher quality gap. Seattle Times, June 9, 2014.
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Goldhaber, D., Lavery, L., and Theobald, R. (2014). Getting serious about the teacher quality gap. Tacoma News Tribune, March 26, 2014.


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