CTE Teachers and Postsecondary Outcomes
A study of CTE teacher effectiveness for SWD that will address this gap in empirical research by using recently-developed methods that estimate teachers’ contributions to non-test and longer-run outcomes. Specifically, we propose an Exploratory Project under the Special Topic: Career and Technical Education for Students with Disabilities to explore CTE teachers’ contributions to different non-test and longer-run outcomes for SWD and establish whether these contributions vary according to licensure, teacher training, or across the characteristics of SWD in their classrooms.
This project is possible because of a longitudinal administrative data set provided by the Washington State Education Research and Data Center (ERDC)—the state agency that maintains Washington’s P-20 data warehouse—that will link students’ high school course records and outcomes to in-state college records and Unemployment Insurance (UI) records for these students after high school